What are the different parts of a drone?

Performance drones have revolutionized the way we view artistic performances and outdoor events. These small flying machines, equipped with LED lights and cutting-edge technology, create large-scale visual spectacles.

In order to understand how these aircraft work, let's take a look at their different parts. Here is a structured guide to key components of a show drone.

Structure and chassis

The structure, or chassis, is the skeleton of the drone. As a result, it supports all other components and must be both lightweight and robust to ensure optimal performance.

Concerning the materials used, here are the two main ones: 

  • Carbon : Light and durable, it is often used for high performance drones.
  • Reinforced plastic : Cheaper, but durable enough for standard show drones.

The engine and propellers

Show drones generally use brushless electric motors (brushless). These motors are more efficient, durable and offer better performance than brushed motors.

THE propellers are responsible for the lift and maneuverability of the drone. They are often made of plastic or carbon fiber for reduced weight and better durability.

The flight control system

THE flight controller is in a way the brain of the drone. Thus, it receives information from various sensors and adjusts the motors to maintain the desired stability and direction during shows.

At the sensor level:

  • Gyroscopes and accelerometers allowing the movement of the drone to be measured while helping to maintain its stability.
  • GPS : Used for precise navigation and to execute complex pre-programmed movements.


Show drones mainly use LiPo (Lithium-Polymer) batteries for their high energy density and lightness.

Additionally, battery life depends on several factors, including the weight of the drone, flight conditions, and the intensity of the LED lights.

The LED light system

Concerning the type of light, the show drones are equipped with RGB LED lights which can produce a wide range of colors and patterns.

Therefore, itThe lights are controlled by the flight controller or via a dedicated system, allowing effects synchronized with music or other drones.

Communication and navigation systems

Drones use radio frequency communication systems to receive commands from the pilot on the ground. In short, these are ttechnologies that use radio waves to transmit information wirelessly.

For synchronized shows, drones can communicate with each other to coordinate their movements and lighting effects.

Finally, poTo avoid collisions, drones are equipped with proximity sensors (ultrasound, infrared, or laser) which quickly detect obstacles.

Row of Allumee drone racks
Allumee show drones

Show drones are marvels of modern technology, combining advanced components to create captivating aerial performances. 

By understanding the different parts of these drones, we can better appreciate the complexity and ingenuity behind each light show. Whether for sporting events like the running Asics SaintéLyon, or traditional festivals with Lemon Festival in Menton, show drones will continue to fascinate and amaze crowds around the world.